SDRAngel  4.11.5
Developer docs for <a href="">SDRangel<\a>, an Open Source Qt5 / OpenGL 3.0+ SDR and signal analyzer frontend to various hardware.
Python scripts interfacing with the API

These scripts are designed to work in Python 3 preferably with version 3.6 or higher. Dependencies are installed with pip in a virtual environment. The sequence of operations is the following:

virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 venv # Create virtual environment
. ./venv/bin/activate # Activate virtual environment
pip install -r requirements.txt # Install requirements

This script is used to achieve frequency tracking with the FreqTracker plugin. Ideally you would start it before connecting the Frequency Tracker plugin in SDRangel. It works continuously (daemon style) until stop via Ctl-C.

Options are:

With default options (no parameters) it will listen on all available interfaces including loopback at and at port 8888. It will identify the SDRangel API address with the first request from SDRangel and connect back at port 8091.

Normal sequence of operations:

PTT (Push To Talk) actively listening system. For a pair of given device set indexes it actively listens to start and stop commands on the corresponding devices to swich over to the other

Options are:

Normal sequence of operations:

In this example we have a Rx device on index 0 and a Tx device on index 1. All settings are assumed to be the default settings.

Important: you should initiate switch over by stopping the active device and not by starting the other.